What is the most important in life.health body or wealth ?quote the most popular artical.It said a high-end mobile phone,only 70% is trashy.One high-grade car,70% of the speed is redundant .A luxury villa building,70% of the place is unoccupied.A room full of clothing products,70% is useless.make lots of money in life.70% is left to spend for other people.Then we make a conclusion.Life need to treated simplily.enjoy 30% of it is enough.
Talk about ten wishes you want to do in your life.make a list.and test what you have already finished.then think about if your life ends now .Will you be regretful about that?
Can one of your wishes be spending more time with family?
Can one of your wishes be traveling to a place ou like most?
Can one of your wishes be let your body relaxed a bit or just do some sports?
2013 is a new start. Change your regular thought about life .treat it in new way.good luck with you.